Carriage transportations have proved as the most multiple-purpose mode of delivery of any types of freights by rail in any point of Russia, the FSU and beyond. If to compare to sea, aviation and automobile modes of transport, then railway transportations have the whole list of advantages:
The products can with hardly any trouble at all and difficulties are delivered practically in each point of the world under any weather conditions and at all seasons of the year.
Transportation of goods by railway transport are especially favorable if you need to transport rather oversized goods.
Experts approach planning of railway cargo transportation with special scrupulousness that allows to accelerate all process of delivery and to exclude risk of emergence of any unforeseen situations.
The freights, the most subject to plunder are subject to obligatory protection on the railroad. Protection is carried out by specialized division of the railroad. Cars are protected on long stages and in switchyards, and sometimes and throughout all way.
Weighty advantage of carriage transportations – opportunity to make sendings large consignments of freight. The car on average contains freight weighing up to 50-70 ton net and of 120-150 CBM. This advantage is favourably used at mass transportations of both heavy, and volume freights.
Our company renders transport and logistic services which include reception, unloading and loading of containers/cars, further transportation to the final recipient.
Loading and unloading of containers is carried out in Kuntsevo station common areas that allows the client to reduce costs on giving cleaning of the rolling stock.
We have the reliable qualified partners in work with containers and in the sphere of lifting work, we carry out works with attraction of all types of the equipment for implementation of unloading of freight from containers and further loading in any kind of transport. We have everything tools are necessary for the final recipient for high-quality performance loading and unloading works and shipment.